Christine Day Online
June 1, 2024
Christine’s Message June 2024

Hello,   I was in Uluru just a few weeks ago, and the sacred energies held within the multidimensional consciousness of Uluru itself was truly profound. I found myself being drawn within the vast layers of this higher consciousness arena, being prepared energetically within myself to work and align to the Stargate configuration that is […]

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June 1, 2024
Pleiadian Message June 2024

Beloved ones we greet you,   The winds of change are sweeping your earth plane. There is a sacred configuration of planets lining up with Earth at this juncture, which is creating a corridor, that is manifesting a powerful higher flow of consciousness entering your planet. Change is here and this is what you have […]

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June 1, 2024
Pleiadian Message June 2024 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   There is a natural vast shift within the rhythm of pure light that is creating a series of layered transformational structures to anchor throughout the earth plane. These multidimensional shifts are designed to build higher elevations of consciousness for those of you who are awakening.  There is a celebration […]

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