Christine Day OnlineGoFundMe - Alice Springs Diamond Arc of Light

What is FOB?

FREQUENCIES OF BRILLIANCE is a powerful, multi-dimensional energy work that aligns the individual back to their own divine light, to their unique spiritual nature. This sacred work allows a self-healing process to be activated through the energetic field and the cells of the body. This allows healing to take place on the physical, emotional and spiritual level.

The Frequencies of Brilliance healing process operates outside of the third-dimensional energies by-passing the ego mind. It works beyond the illusion and limitation of the 3rd dimensional earth plane energies and connects into the 4th/5th/6th dimensional spaces. This higher dimensional connection operates through the heart space, so the person receiving the session is directly connected through their Sacred heart, which aligns to intuition and the natural flow of the divine Self.

The FOB technique is a precise method of work in what are called ‘doorways’ and these are activated by either a light touch on the body or just above the body. As a series of these doorways are opened, there is a ‘next step’ activated within the energetic field of the person receiving the session. This opens up a light initiation into the cells of the body, which can create a physical healing; allows for emotional issues to leave the body; opens up a spiritual connection which often brings a deep experience of peace, understanding and a sense you are not alone. There is a divine blueprint activated within the energetic field, which enables the person to begin to align more completely to their mission in this lifetime.

Frequencies of Brilliance was channelled through by Christine Day from the Pleiadians in 1986. The Pleiadians are calling this time the ‘New Dawning’ and they say that we are the ‘New Dawning’. This work is here to assist us now in this time of birthing of consciousness. This is a cutting edge healing modality that allows you to birth your self back into a state of remembering and aligning to your ‘natural spiritual nature’. This process takes you step by step towards ‘going home’. A session of Frequencies of Brilliance brings you into a place of self empowerment because you are initiated back into a place of self-healing and self-realization through the alignments that are created.

We each have within us, a pure unlimited potential for living, loving and healing ourselves. The Frequencies work activates this potential. It connects us more fully to our "divine uniqueness". It is from this connection that we bring more conscious presence, joy and life force energy into our lives.

Each session is unique and created just for you, for your next step. Changes take place with every session, and as each session is completed it is as though you are moving into a new beginning for yourself. You will continue to birth yourself from the energy of each session for days, and possibly weeks afterwards. You will be healing and unfolding within yourself, birthing into a new understanding of truth and clarity that will continue to create healing for you.


What is an FOB session?

Frequencies of Brilliance is a powerful, multi-dimensional healing process that operates outside of the third dimensional energies. Working beyond the illusion and limitation of the 3rd dimension earth plane energies, the work opens you up into light aspects of the Self through the 4th/5th/6th dimensional spaces. This makes it possible for advanced healing to take place within you because it is the light of the Self, healing the self. The beautiful part about this work is that it bypasses the ego mind, and without the ego mind to interfere there is a greater healing potential made possible in the session.

Let’s talk about how this process actually works within a session.     Each session is individually, energetically “mapped”, or designed specifically for you for your next step. It works on healing the physical, mental and spiritual body. There are a series of doorways on the back and the front of the body which are activated. Activation of the doorways is created by energetically entering a space above the body, and then coming down to work above the body or to lightly touch the physical body with the finger. As these series of doorways are opened up there is a symphony of energy created around you, connecting into your physical and energetic body. This opens up alignments to the light of the Self into the cells of your body, creating physical healing and an awakening of your Spiritual energy.

Changes take place with every session, and as you complete each session it's as though you are moving into a new beginning for yourself.  You will continue to birth yourself from the energy of each session for days, possibly weeks after the session.  You will be healing and unfolding within yourself, birthing into the new understanding of truth and clarity.  There is an ongoing connection from the session that will continue to create healing for you. You may need only one session or you may feel a series of sessions are right for you. Everyone has a unique journey to their self-healing and awakening which is honoured and respected.
