Christine Day OnlineGoFundMe - Alice Springs Diamond Arc of Light
March 6, 2023
Christine’s Message March 2023

Hello,   I cannot believe we are into March already. This year is zooming by, and it has been a hectic time moving into our new house and adjusting to being surrounded by the amazing landscape of Ilparpa, just 15 minutes outside of Alice Springs.   We are gradually setting up the house, settling in […]

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March 6, 2023
Pleiadian Message March 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,   The winds of change are flowing across your earth plane. Within this flow there are powerful vibrations of love that have originated from the Universal consciousness and are transmitting out this pure flow to be absorbed through the energetic web that is encompassing Earth. This pure vibrancy of light […]

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March 6, 2023
Pleiadian Message March 2023 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   There are vast energetic changes taking place within this entire residential Universe. This shift of energy has happened since the anchoring of an expansive network of webbing that took place on Earth as you entered the time frame 2023. Through the dramatic multidimensional access openings on your planet at […]

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