Christine Day OnlineGoFundMe - Alice Springs Diamond Arc of Light

Pleiadian Message February 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,


Energetic forces are expanding daily on the planet, these energies are here in support of you in the re-establishment of your own inner sacred connections. The time is now to step forward and claim your place within the sacred arena of the light. On your earth plane there is a rearrangement within the energetic profile within the Grids and Vortexes that are placed throughout the planet. The energetic profile of Earth is rapidly undergoing change, it is being realigned magnetically to the Universal consciousness Grid and this is creating what we call, ‘the great shift’ on your earth plane.


You may experience a tilting of your senses over the upcoming month as the Earth moves into a higher frequency setting rotation, as it becomes linked and stabilized to the energy of this Universal consciousness Grid. This is another ‘turn of the wheel’ as Earth enters its next transitional phase.


Through this changing energetic arena on Earth, you individually have a vast opportunity to make accelerated changes within your life. You have the power through conscious choice to let go and set in motion changes for yourself within your life. There has never been a time like this to utilize these energetic shifts that are geared to support the changes that you set in motion for yourself.


This is the time for self-launching, creating what you desire for yourself at this juncture. You are a creator, let go and allow yourself to activate, create and receive!


We witness you in love.



The Pleiadians
