Christine Day Online

Christine’s Message November 2021


How wonderful to connect with you! We are fast approaching ‘the Shift’ that the Pleiaidians are saying is the biggest energetic transfer ever to take place during our current transition on Earth. This happening is destined to take place at the time of New Year. Over the next few weeks, leading up to 2022 we will begin experiencing an acceleration of light intensity, an expansive vibrational pulse interacting through our Hearts during November and December.

At the time of New Year, we enter this vibrational timeframe where a multidimensional energetic “Split” takes place. This is where those of us on a conscious path will be launched into a higher consciousness network, an alternate reality space that will reopen on Earth… like a Doorway being anchored open.

These alternate spaces have always existed. This is the first time that we will engage consciously within this alternate higher multidimensional reality state. You are ready for this! These spaces will move you into a stabilized state with a light consciousness that is designed to anchor you more completely within your Heart. This “Split” has always been destined to take place at this juncture.

We need to energetically prepare for this event. The Pleiadians are giving us some amazing transmissions throughout November and December to prepare you energetically. Our last Zoom class on the 30th October was the first of a series of opportunities. My monthly Podcast will also reflect these Transmissions of Light as well as our upcoming Pleiadian Broadcast in December.

I do know that we have been given this gift of the light transmissions from the Pleiadians for the expressed purpose of us meeting our Higher Self to create a redesign of energies within our physical and energetic body. Our 3 Day Pleiadian Seminar: Aquarian Age Launch and our December Zoom class are dedicated to bringing to you unique and powerful realignments within you in readiness for ‘the Split’.

I am so excited and extremely grateful for all that is being bestowed to us at this juncture. Let’s all open up our awareness within our Hearts and allow these sacred transformations to build within us for our next steps of unfolding!

Love and blessings,

