Christine Day OnlineGoFundMe - Alice Springs Diamond Arc of Light

Pleiadian Message August 2021

Beloved ones we greet you,

A higher light is becoming manifest throughout your earth plane, building in layers and expanding its frequency in increments, aligning within the network of grids on Earth.

The light is cascading, flowing and building in momentum, emerging from the higher realms with a rhythmic brilliance holding a higher light consciousness. This happening heralds in a next phase of the New Dawning era. A monumental shift is in motion as this pure consciousness light descends from the higher order of light realms and anchors on Earth. This brilliance is engaging within your heart cells, activating a transmitter that has been lying dormant within each cell until now.

This is your heritage being returned, revealed to you through your Heart. These higher energies can be found reflected through nature, through the natural forces. The Sun carries the pure reflections of this higher consciousness in its rays to you. You can align into these reflections by aligning to nature or the Sun’s rays to receive the gift of yourself, which is being returned at this juncture.

The essence of these sacred energies is designed to reposition you into a place of self-empowerment to enable you to shift and stabilize your perceptions to higher Truths and understanding.

Be still in your Heart and utilize the Conscious breath, placing your breath into your Heart cells to awaken these higher realignments through you.

Claim your Heart in this way and allow the expanded doorways of light to illuminate your Heart.

We witness you in love.


The Pleiadians
