Hello, I find myself consciously choosing to let go as I take alternate steps in my life, as I align to the higher Framework that is now active on Earth. My guidance is to allow everything to fall away and to celebrate the unknown. I am willing to allow the higher order of light to be my guide moment to moment, as I witness an internal process of change within me.
I choose to allow the unfolding of me to become manifest and there is nothing that I wish to hold onto. I do think that the higher vibration energy within the Framework is supporting me to shift in a radical way, different than I have ever experienced before. For me the fluidity of the light is beauty in motion. The energy and experience of these openings of consciousness within me brings joy, peace and total acceptance of where I find myself.
I have let go of personal desire and feel myself freefalling within a pure space of consciousness, which allows me to be greeted within alternate realities of my higher self.
This is our time to flourish on a higher component of Self. Remember to allow moments of being human and then choosing moments of opening up through your Heart to receive yourself.
Don’t get too caught up in the 3rd dimensional drama, remember the alternate reality which simultaneously exists. Bring balance to your experiences through choosing the conscious connection within your Heart!
Love and blessings,