Christine Day Online

Language of Light Module1 Sacred Forms - Introduction 

In order to provide you with a complete overview of this Course, we have filmed a special introductory video outlining everything you need to know. We have also provided this information in a PDF format for you to download and print out. Together with the a video introduction, and a PDF file for you to print out.

We suggest you watch the video below and read the introductory PDF in entirety before you commence your classes.

One last thing, please do NOT be tempted to rush through your classes, or to take them out of sequence. This Course is designed in such a way that each class builds upon the one before, and it is very important that you give yourself sufficient time to fully integrate your experiences with each class before moving on to the next stage.

Many blessings,
Christine Day

Video Viewing Time: 22:46


TO DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO FILE CLICK BELOW AND CHOOSE 'DOWNLOAD' to save the file to a suitably named folder on your device 

Module 1 Introduction video

TO DOWNLOAD THE PDF FILE CLICK BELOW AND CHOOSE 'DOWNLOAD' to save the file to a suitably named folder on your device 

Module 1 introduction pdf


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